Compiled from Ricci's Correggio, to which the references to pages apply.
1494. Antonio Allegri born at Correggio.
1511-1513. Probably in Mantua (p. 69).
1515. Madonna of St. Francis (p. 94).
1518. In Parma executing the frescoes of San Paolo, April-December (p. 152).
1520. Invitation to Parma from the Benedictines (p. 153). Marriage with Girolama Merlini (p. 185).
1520-1525. At work on frescoes of S. Giovanni Evangelista, Parma, with interruptions as noted below (pp. 189-195).
July, 1521-Spring, 1522. In Correggio (pp. 194, 195), and probable execution of the Ecce Homo, Christ in Garden, and Noli me tangere (p. 226).
1521. Birth of son Pomponio, September 3 (p. 185).
1522. Visit to Reggio and commission for the Nativity (La Notte) October (pp. 195, 294). Commission for frescoes of Parma Cathedral, November (p. 250).
1523. Visit in Correggio (p. 195). Order for Madonna of St. Jerome (p. 278).
1524. Last payment for frescoes of S. Giovanni (p. 190). Birth of daughter Francesca Letizia, December 6 (p. 185).
1524-1530. Work on frescoes of the Parma Cathedral, interrupted by visits to Correggio, as noted below (p. 273).
1525. Visits to Correggio in February and August (p. 274). Madonna of St. Sebastian painted for Confraternity of St. Sebastian at Modena (p. 275).
1526. Birth of daughter Caterina Lucrezia (p. 185).
1527. Visits in Correggio (p. 274).
Circa 1528. Birth of daughter Anna Geria (p. 185).
1528. Visit in Correggio in summer (p. 274).
1529. Death of wife (p. 185).
1530-1534. In Correggio (p. 307). Mythological pictures for Federigo Gonzaga (p. 311).
1534. Death of Allegri, March 5 (p. 326).