1425-1499. Pupil of Domenico Veneziano; influenced by Paolo Uccello.
- Bergamo.
- Morelli, 23. Fresco: Portrait of Himself (fragment from S. Trinita, Florence).
- Berlin.
- 1614. Profile of Young Woman. (?)
- Florence.
- Academy, 159. Trinity. 1471.
- 233. Marriage of Cana; Baptism; Transfiguration. 1448.
- Uffizi, 56. Annunciation.
- 60. Madonna and Saints.
- Mr. B. Berenson. Madonna. E.
- S. Ambrogio. Baptist with SS. Catherine, Stephen, Ambrose, and Angels, 1470-1473.
- SS. Annunziata, Entrance Court. Fresco: Nativity. 1460-1462.
- Duomo, Sacristy. Intarsias (after his cartoons): Nativity, 1463. Circumcision.
- S. Marco, Courtyard. Crucifixion with S. Antonino.
- S. Miniato, Portuguese Chapel. Annunciation. 1466.
- Frescoes in Cupola and Spandrils: Prophets. Begun 1466.
- S. Pancrazio, Ruccellai Chapel. Fresco: Resurrected Christ. 1467.
- S. Miniato, Portuguese Chapel. Pazzi Chapel (beside S. Croce). Window in Choir (after his design): St. Andrew.
- S. Trinita, Choir. Frescoes: begun in 1471: Ceiling. Noah; Moses; Abraham; David.
- Lunettes: Fragment of Sacrifice of Isaac; slight fragment of Moses receiving the Tables of the Law.
- Paris.
- 1300a. Madonna in Landscape. E.
- Mme. Edouard André. Madonna in Landscape.