1420-1497. Pupil possibly of Giuliano Pesello, and of the Bicci; assistant and follower of Fra Angelico.
- Berlin.
- 60b. Madonna, Saints, and Angels.
- Miracle of S. Zanobi. 1461.
- Béziers.
- Musée, 193. St. Rose and the Magdalen.
- Cambridge (U. S. A.).
- Fogg Museum. Madonna.
- Castelfiorentino (near Empoli).
- Cappella di S. Chiara. Tabernacle with Frescoes (in great part).
- Madonna della Tosse (on way to Castelnuovo). Frescoes (in great part). 1484.
- Certaldo.
- Cappella del Ponte dell’ Agliena. Tabernacle with Frescoes. 1465.
- Cologne.
- 520. Madonna and Saints. 1473.
- Florence.
- Academy, 37. Pilaster with SS. Bartholomew, James, and John the Baptist (execution probably by Giusto d’Andrea).
- Uffizi, 1302. Predella: Pietà and Saints.
- Palazzo Riccardi. Frescoes: Procession of Magi; Angels. 1459.
- Palazzo Alessandri. Four Predelle: Miracle of St. Zanobi; Totila before St. Benedict; Fall of Simon Magus; Conversion of St. Paul. E.
- Mr. Herbert P. Horne. Large Crucifixion. L.
- Locko Park (near Derby).
- Mr. Drury Lowe. Crucifixion. E.
- London.
- 283. Madonna, Saints, and Angels. 1461.
- H. M. the King, Buckingham Palace. Death of Simon Magus. 1461.
- Mr. C. N. Robinson. Madonna and Angels.
- Meiningen.
- Grand Ducal Palace. St. Ursula.
- Milan.
- Brera, 475. St. Dominic restoring Child to Life. 1461.
- Montefalco.
- Pinacoteca (S. Francesco). Bay To R. of Entrance. Various Frescoes, 1452.
- Choir. Frescoes: Scenes from Life of St. Francis, etc. Finished, 1452.
- S. Fortunato, over Entrance. Fresco: Madonna, Saints, and Angels. 1450.
- R. Wall. Fresco: Madonna and Angel, 1450.
- Second Altar R. Fresco: S. Fortunato enthroned. 1450.
- Pinacoteca (S. Francesco). Bay To R. of Entrance. Various Frescoes, 1452.
- Narni.
- Municipio. Annunciation.
- Paris.
- 1319. Triumph of St. Thomas Aquinas.
- Baronne d’Adelsward. Four Saints. 1471.
- Perugia.
- Sala VII, 20. Madonna and Saints. 1456.
- Philadelphia.
- Mr. Peter Widener. Raising of Lazarus.
- Pisa.
- Sala VI. Madonna, Saints, and Angels. Madonna and St. Anna.
- Campo Santo. Series of Frescoes from Old Testament; also an Annunciation. 1468-1484.
- Ricovero Per Mendicità (ancient Refectory of S. Domenico). Frescoes: Crucifixion and Saints; St. Dominic and two Angels (in part). L.
- Università dei Cappellani (Piazza del Duomo). Madonna, Saints, and Donors. 1470.
- Rome.
- Lateran, 60. Polyptych. 1450.
- Vatican, Museo Cristiano, Case S, XII. Small Pietà.
- Aracoeli, Third Chapel L. Fresco: St. Antony, Donors, and Angels.
- San Gemignano.
- Municipio. Restoration of Lippo Memmi’s Fresco, and two figures to R. added, 1467. Fresco: Crucifixion.
- S. Agostino, Choir. Frescoes: Life of St. Augustine (the children’s heads in the purely ornamental parts are by assistants). 1465.
- Second Altar L. Fresco; St. Sebastian. 1464.
- S. Andrea (three miles out of town). Madonna. 1466.
- Collegiata, Choir. Madonna and Saints. 1466.
- Entrance Wall. St. Sebastian and other Frescoes. 1465.
- Monte Oliveto. Fresco: Crucifixion. 1466.
- Sermoneta.
- Parish Church. Madonna and Angels. E.
- Terni.
- Biblioteca. Madonna with Angels and five Saints. 1466.
- Vienna.
- 26. Madonna and Saints. E.
- Baron Tucher. Madonna and Cherubim.
- Volterra.
- Duomo, Cappella del Nome di Gesù. Fresco Background to a Della Robbia Nativity: Procession of Magi.