1475-1554. Pupil of Ghirlandajo and Pier di Cosimo; assistant of Albertinelli; influenced by Perugino, Michelangelo, Francesco Francia, and Franciabigio.
- Agram.
- Strossmayer Gallery. Madonna seated in a Loggia looking down towards infant John (?).
- Berlin.
- 142, 149. Cassone-panels: Story of Tobias.
- 283. Madonna and Saints.
- Museum of Industrial Art. Cassone-front: Story of St. Felicitas.
- Palace of Emperor William I. Cassone-front: Story of Tobias.
- Bologna.
- 25. St. John in Desert.
- 26. Madonna enthroned with SS. Catherine, Antony of Padua, and infant John.
- 745. Tondo: Madonna.
- Bonn.
- University Gallery, 285. Madonna with infant John.
- Bowood Park (Calne).
- Marquess of Lansdowne. Copy of Perugino’s Madonna in Louvre (No. 1565).
- Budapest.
- 92. “Volto Santo di Luca” (?).
- Dijon.
- Musée. 1. Madonna and infant John.
- Figline (near Florence).
- S. Piero al Terreno, High Altar. Madonna with SS. Peter, Paul, Francis, and Jerome.
- Florence.
- Pitti, 140. Portrait of Lady.
- Uffizi, 89. Tondo: Madonna and infant John (?). E.
- 213. Madonna.
- 3451. Madonna and infant John. 1520.
- Museo di S. Marco, Anticamera of Refectory, 6. Madonna adored by St. Francis and the Magdalen.
- S. Croce, Refectory, 3. St. Nicholas.
- 5. The Baptist.
- 42. St. Paul.
- 43. St. Jerome.
- S. Maria Novella, R. Transept. Martyrdom of St. Catherine.
- London.
- 809. Madonna, infant John, and Angels (Michelangelo’s suggestion).
- Earl of Northbrook. Baptist in Desert drinking.
- Milan.
- S. Maria delle Grazie. The Baptist.
- Modena.
- 334. Madonna and infant John.
- Mombello (near Milan).
- Prince Pio di Savoia. Madonna.
- Newport (U. S. A.).
- Mr. Theodore M. Davis, The Reef. Madonna, infant John, and Angel.
- New York.
- Metropolitan Museum. Madonna and infant John (?).
- Olantigh Towers (Wye, Kent).
- Mr. Erle-Drax, 610. Madonna and infant John.
- Oldenburg.
- 28, St. Sebastian.
- Paris.
- 1644. Bust of Youth.
- Musée des Arts Decoratifs, Salle, 253. Bust of Woman with Prayer-Book.
- Mme. Edouard André. Portrait of Lady.
- Philadelphia.
- Mr. Peter Widener. 179. Tondo: Madonna and infant John (?).
- Rome.
- Borghese Gallery, 177. Marriage of St. Catherine.
- 443. Madonna and infant John (?).
- Colonna Gallery, 136. Madonna.
- Corsini Gallery, 580. Madonna (?) 1509.
- 584. Leo X. (variation of Raphael’s portrait in Pitti).
- Prince Colonna. Tondo: Madonna and infant John.
- Contessa Spaletti. Tondo: Madonna and infant John.
- Scotland, Langton (Duns).
- Hon. Mrs. Baillie-Hamilton. Madonna and infant John.
- Siena.
- Palazzo Saracini, 1420. Holy Family in Landscape.
- St. Petersburg.
- Tondo: Holy Family with infant John asleep.
- Strasburg.
- University Gallery, 286. Presentation.
- Stuttgart.
- 250. Tondo: Holy Family.
- Turin.
- 114. Madonna and infant John.
- Museo Civico. Madonna and infant John.
- Venice.
- Baron Giorgio Franchetti. Venus asleep and Cupid.
- Vienna.
- 36. Rape of Dinah. 1531.
- Academy, 1134. Tondo: Madonna with infant John (Michelangelo’s suggestion).