1406-1469. Pupil of Lorenzo Monaco and follower of Masaccio; influenced by Fra Angelico.
- Ashridge Park (Berkhampstead).
- Berlin.
- 58. Madonna.
- 69. Madonna adoring Child.
- 95. “Madonna della Misericordia.”
- 95b. Predella: Miraculous Infancy of a Saint.
- Florence.
- Academy, 55. Madonna and Saints.
- 62. Coronation of Virgin. 1441.
- 79. Virgin adoring Child.
- 82. Nativity. E.
- 86. Predelle: S. Frediano changing the Course of the Serchio; Virgin receiving the Announcement of her Death; St. Augustine in his Study.
- 263. Gabriel and Baptist.
- 264. Madonna and St. Antony Abbot.
- Pitti, 343. Madonna. 1442.
- Uffizi, 1307. Madonna.
- Palazzo Alessandri. St. Antony Abbot and a Bishop. SS. Lawrence, Cosmas, and Damian and Donors.
- Palazzo Riccardi (Prefecture). Madonna.
- S. Lorenzo, Martelli Chapel. Annunciation, and Predelle.
- London.
- 248. Vision of St. Bernard. 1447.
- 666. Annunciation. E.
- 667. Seven Saints. E.
- Lyons.
- M. Edouard Aynard. Predella: St. Benedict and Novice.
- Munich.
- 1005. Annunciation. E.
- 1006. Madonna.
- Oxford.
- University Galleries, 12. Meeting of Joachim and Anne.
- Paris.
- 1344. Madonna and Angels. 1437.
- Prato.
- Duomo, Choir. Frescoes: Lives of St. Stephen and the Baptist (assisted by Fra Diamante). 1452-1464.
- R. Transept. Fresco: Death of St. Bernard (the upper part by Fra Diamante). Ordered 1450.
- Richmond (Surrey).
- Sir Frederick Cook. Tondo: Adoration of Magi. E. SS. Michael and Antony Abbot. 1457.
- Rome.
- Lateran, 65. Triptych: Coronation, Saints and Donors (the angels are, in execution at least, by another hand, probably Fra Diamante’s).
- Prince Doria. Annunciation.
- Mr. Ludwig Mond. Annunciation and Donors.
- Spoleto.
- Duomo, Apse. Frescoes: Life of Virgin (chiefly by Fra Diamante). Left unfinished at death.
- Turin.
- Accademia Albertina, 140, 141. The Four Church Fathers.