1462-1521. Pupil of Cosimo Rosselli; influenced by Verrocchio, Signorelli, Filippino, Leonardo, and Credi.
- Berlin.
- 107. Venus, Cupid, and Mars.
- 204. Adoration of Shepherds.
- Von Kaufmann Collection. Prometheus Myth (Cf. Strasburg).
- Borgo San Lorenzo (Mugello).
- Chiesa del Crocifisso. Madonna with St. Thomas and Baptist.
- Chantilly.
- Musée Condé, 13. “La Bella Simonetta.”
- Dresden.
- 20. Holy Family and Angels.
- Dulwich.
- Fiesole.
- S. Francesco. Coronation of Virgin (in part). L.
- Florence.
- Pitti, 370. Head of a Saint.
- Uffizi. Immaculate Conception.
- 82, 83, 84. Story of Perseus and Andromeda.
- 1312. Rescue of Andromeda.
- 3414. Portrait of “Caterina Sforza” (?).
- Magazine. Tondo: Madonna with infant John. L.
- Innocenti, Gallery. Holy Family and Saints.
- S. Lorenzo, R. Transept. Madonna and Saints adoring Child.
- Glasgow.
- Mr. William Beattie. Tondo: Madonna with the two Holy Children embracing.
- The Hague.
- 254, 255. Giuliano di Sangallo and his Father.
- Harrow-on-the-Hill.
- Rev. J. Stogdon. Large Nativity with three Saints and three Donors (?). E. Tondo: Madonna and Angels.
- London.
- 698. Death of Procris.
- 895. Portrait of Man in Armour.
- Hertford House. Triumph of Venus (?).
- Mr. Robert Benson. Hylas and the Nymphs. E. Portrait of Clarissa Orsini (?).
- Earl of Plymouth. Head of Young Man.
- Mr. Charles Ricketts. Combat of Centaurs and Lapithæ (Cf. New York).
- Mr. A. E. Street. Tondo: Madonna adoring Child.
- Lyons.
- M. Edouard Aynard. Tondo: Madonna with Lamb.
- Milan.
- Borromeo. Madonna. L.
- Prince Trivulzio. Madonna and Angels. L.
- New Haven (U. S. A.).
- Jarves Collection, 68. Lady holding Rabbit.
- Newlands Manor (Hampshire).
- Col. Cornwallis West. Visitation.
- New York.
- Metropolitan Museum. The Hunt. Return from the Hunt (Cf. Mr. Ricketts, London).
- Oxford.
- Christ Church Library, 2. Tondo: Pietà. L.
- Paris.
- 1274. The Young Baptist.
- 1416. Coronation of Virgin. L.
- 1662. Madonna.
- Philadelphia.
- Mr. John G. Johnson. Bust of Physician. Portrait of Man. 1512. Madonna (fragment).
- Rome.
- Borghese. 329. Judgment of Solomon.
- 335. Holy Family L. (?).
- 343. Tondo: Madonna and Angels adoring Child.
- Corsini. Magdalen. Pietà.
- Vatican, Sixtine Chapel. Fresco: Destruction of Pharaoh. 1482.
- Scotland.
- (Glasgow, Cf. Glasgow).
- Cawder House (Bishopbriggs, near Glasgow), Capt. Archibald Stirling. Madonna and infant John.
- Gosford House, Earl of Wemyss. Bust of Man.
- Newbattle Abbey (Dalkeith), Marquess of Lothian. Mythological Scene.
- Siena.
- Monastero del Santuccio, Altar L. Nativity.
- Stockholm.
- Strasburg.
- University Gallery, 216a. Madonna.
- 216b. Prometheus Myth (Cf. Von Kaufmann Collection, Berlin).
- Vienna.
- Harrach Collection, 136. Holy Family and Angels. L.
- Prince Liechtenstein. Madonna and infant John. L. Tondo: Landscape with Water, etc.
- Worksop (Nottinghamshire).
- Clumber Park, Duke of Newcastle. Altarpiece with Predelle: Madonna with St. Peter and Baptist and kneeling Ecclesiastic.