Antonio. 1429-1498. Pupil of Donatello and Andrea del Castagno; strongly influenced by Baldovinetti. Sculptor as well as painter.
Piero. 1443-1496. Pupil of Baldovinetti; worked mainly on his brother’s designs. (Where the execution can be clearly distinguished as of either of the brothers separately, the fact is indicated).
- Berlin.
- 73. Annunciation (Piero).
- 73a. David (Antonio).
- Boston (U. S. A.).
- Mrs. J. L. Gardner. Profile of Lady (Antonio).
- Florence.
- Uffizi, 30. Portrait of Galeazzo Sforza.
- 69. Hope.
- 70. Justice.
- 71. Temperance. (The execution of these three was perhaps largely the work of pupils.)
- 72. Faith (Piero).
- 73. Cartoon for “Charity” (on back of picture, the execution of which is studio work). (Antonio). 1469.
- 1153. Hercules and the Hydra; Hercules and Antæus (Antonio).
- 1301. SS. Eustace, James, and Vincent (Piero). 1467.
- 1306. Prudence (Piero). 1470.
- 3358. Miniature Profile of Lady (Piero).
- Torre di Gallo (Arcetri). Fresco (discovered in 1897 and since then entirely repainted): Dance of Nudes (Antonio).
- S. Miniato, Portuguese Chapel. Fresco (around Window): Flying Angels (executed probably 1466). (Antonio).
- S. Niccolò. Fresco: Assumption of Virgin (Piero). E.
- London.
- 292. St. Sebastian (Antonio). 1475.
- 928. Apollo and Daphne (Antonio).
- New Haven (U. S. A.).
- Jarves Collection, 64. Hercules and Nessus (Antonio).
- New York.
- Metropolitan Museum, 85. Fresco; St. Christopher (Piero).
- Paris.
- 1367a. Madonna (Piero) (?).
- San Gemignano.
- Collegiata, Choir. Coronation of Virgin (Piero). 1483.
- Staggia (near Siena).
- S. Maria Assunta, R. Transept. St. Mary of Egypt upborne by Angels (design Antonio, execution Piero).
- Strasburg.
- 212a. Madonna enthroned (Piero).
- Turin.
- 117. Tobias and the Angel.