Abrahams, N.C.L. Description des MSS. françaises du Moyen Age de la Bibliothèque Royale de Copenhague. 4to. Copenhagen. 1844.
Alt, H. Die Heiligenbilder oder die bildende Kunst u. die Theologie. 8vo. Berlin, 1845.
Astle, Thomas. The Origin and Progress of Writing. 4to. London, 1784, 1803.
Barrois, J. Bibliothèque Protypographique ou librairies du roi Jean. 4to, Paris, 1830. 6 plates.
Bastard, Aug. Librairie de Jean de France duc de Berry...illustrée des plus belles miniatures de ses MSS., etc. Folio. Paris, 1834. 32 plates.
Beissel, Stephan. Des heiligen Bernward Evangelienbuch im Dome zu Hildesheim. Mit Hdschr. des 10. und 11. Jahrh., etc. Third edition. 26 photo-lithographs (12 x 9). Hildesheim, 1894.
Beissel, Stephan. Vaticanische Miniaturen. Folio. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1893. Many lithographed plates.
Birch, W. de G. History, Art, and Palæography of the MS. commonly styled the Utrecht Psalter. 8vo. 3 facsimile plates in autotype. B, Quaritch, London, 1876.
Birch, W. de G., and Jenner, H. Early Drawings and Illuminations (in MSS., chiefly in the British Museum). 12mo. London, 1879.
Biscionii, A.M. Catal. bibl. Medico-Laurentiana. Folio. Florentine, 1752-7. (Valuable plates of facsimiles, etc.)
Bradley, J.W. Life and Works of G.G. Clovio, Miniaturist, etc. 8vo. London, 1891. 18 plates.
Bradley, J.W. Dictionary of Miniaturists, Calligraphers, etc. 8vo. 3 vols. Quaritch, London, 1887-90.
Bradley, J.W. Venetian Ducali, in Bibliographica, II. 257. 4 phototypes.
Bucher, B. Geschichte des Technischen Künste, etc., vol. i. Miniatur, etc. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1875.
Cahier and Martin. Nouveaux Mélanges d'Archéologie, etc. Large 4to. Paris, 1874-77, etc. Many fine plates of miniatures, etc., mostly without colour.
Campori, G. Gli artisti Italiani, etc., nelle Stati Estensi. 8vo. Modena, 1855.
Campori, G. Racconti artistici italiani. 8vo. Firenze, 1858.
Caravita, A. I codici e le Arti a Monte Cassino. 8vo. Montec., 1869-71.
Carta, F. Codici, corali e libri a stampa miniati della Biblioteca nazionale di Milano. Folio. Roma, 1895. With 25 phototype facsimiles.
Chassant, Alph. Paléographie des chartes et des MSS. du 11e au 17e Siècle. 8vo. Paris, 1867, and companion vols.
Curmer, L. Les Evangiles des Dimanches et Fêtes. Large 8vo. Paris, 1864. Many facsimiles in gold and colours from illuminated MSS.
Delisle, L. Mém. sur l'Ecole calligraphique de Tours au IXe Siècle. Paris, 1885. 5 heliograv.
Delisle, L. L'Evangéliaire d'Arras et la Calligraphie Franco-Saxonne du neuvième Siècle. 4to. Paris, 1888. Large heliogravure facsimiles.
Delaunay (l'Abbé H.). Le livre d'Heures de la reine Anne de Bretagne. With facsimile of the whole MS. Large 8vo. Paris, 1861.
Delia Valle, G. Lettere Senese, Sopra le Belle Arti. 3 vols. 8vo. Venezia, 1782-86. (Relating to Sienese miniaturists.)
Delisle, L. Le cabinet des manuscrits de la bibliothèque impériale (in Hist. gén. de Paris). 4to. Paris, 1868.
Denis, Ferd. Histoire de l'ornementation des manuscrits. 8vo. Paris, 1858. (143 pp., with illustrations.)
Deshaines, C. Histoire de l'Art dans la Flandre, d'Artois, et le Hainaut. 8vo. Lille, 1886.
Dibdin, T.F. The Bibliographical Decameron. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1817.
Didron (edit.). Annales Archéologiques. Periodical 4to. 1844, etc. (P.P. 1931, d. a. Brit. Mus.)
Derange, A. Cat. descr. et raisonné des manuscr. de la bibl. de Tours. 4to. Tours, 1875.
Durieux, A. Les Artistes Cambrésiens du IXe a XIXe Siècle, etc. 8vo. Cambray, 1874. (With plates in folio.)
Durieux, A. Miniatures des manuscr. de la bibl. de Cambrai. 8vo. Cambrai, 1861. 18 plates.
Du Sommerard, Andr. Les Arts du Moyen-âge. 6 vols. Folio. Paris, 1838-46.
Fleury, E. Les MSS. à miniatures de la bibliothèque de Soissons. 4to. Paris, 1865. Lithograph facsimiles.
Fleury, E. Les manuscrits à miniatures de la bibl. de Laon. 4to. Laon, 1863. 50 plates (good).
Gabelentz, H. von der. Zur Geschichte der oberdeutschen Miniaturmalerei im 16ten Jahrhundert. Large 8vo. Strassburg, 1899. 12 phototypes.
Gamier, J. Catalogue descriptif et raisonné des MSS. de la bibl. de la ville d'Amiens. 8vo. Amiens, 1843.
Girardot, B. de. Cat. des manuscrits de la bibl. de Bourges. Folio. Paris, 1859.
Gualandi, M.A. Memorie originate Italiane risguardante le Belle Arti. 8vo. Bologna, 1840-45.
Hardy, Sir Thomas D. The Athanasian Creed in Connection with the Utrecht Psalter: being a Report, etc. With autotype facsimiles. Folio. Spottiswoode and Co., 1872.
Hendrie, R. Encyclopædia of the Arts of the Middle Ages by the monk Theophilus. Translated, with notes. 8vo. London, 1847. One of the best collections of mediæval methods and recipes relating to illumination.
Humphreys, H. Noel. The Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages. Folio. London, 1849. 39 plates.
Husenbeth, F.C. Emblems of Saints by which they are Distinguished in Works of Art. 8vo. London, 1850. Second edition, 1860. Third edition, 1882.
Jäck, J.J. Viele Alphabete und ganze Schriftmuster vom 8, bis zum 16, Jahrh. aus den Handschr. der öffentl. Bibl. zu Bamberg. Folio. Bamberg, 1833-35.
James, M.R. Descriptive Catalogue of the Illuminated MSS. in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. (Fine phototype facsimiles, and an excellent text.) Large 8vo. Cambridge University Press, 1895.
Jorand, J.B.J. Grammatographie du neuvième siècle. 4to. Paris, 1837. 65 plates, folio.
Kirchoff, Albr. Handschriftenhändler des Mittelalters. Second edition. 8vo. Leipzig, 1853.
Kondakov. Hist. de l'Art Byzantin consideréré...dans les miniatures. 2 vols. Small folio. Paris, 1891. Plates and woodcuts.
Kugler. Kleine Schriften. 3 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart. 1853-54. (German illumination.)
Labarte, Jules. Historie des Arts industriels au Moyen-âge. (Vol. iii.) 8vo. Paris, 1865.
Laborde, L. La renaissance des arts à la cour de France. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855-56.
Lacroix, P. Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages. 8vo. London, 1874.
Lacroix, P. The Arts of the Middle Ages. 4to. London, 1870.
Lacroix, P. Manners, Customs, and Dress during the Middle Ages. 4to. London, 1874.
Lacroix, Paul, and Séré Ferd. Le Moyen-âge et la Renaissance. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1848-52, 1874.
Lacroix, P., Fournier, Ed., and Séré, F. Livre d'or des métiers. 8vo. Paris, 1852.
Lambecius, P. Commentar. de Bibliotheca Cæsarea Vindobonensi. Folio. Vindobona (Vienna). 1670. Plates.
Langlois, E.H. Mémoire sur la calligraphic les MSS. du Moyen-âge. 8vo. Paris, 1841. 17 plates.
Le Arti. Various Articles on Illuminated MSS., by Frizzoni, Venturi, etc. (Italian Periodical. Roma, v. 7. From 1898.)
Lecoy de la Marche, A. Les MSS. et la Miniature. 12mo. Paris, 1884. Woodcuts.
Leitschuh, F.F. Geschichte der Karolingischen Malerei, etc. Berlin, 1894. Many prototype facsimiles.
Libri, Gul. Monumens inédits. Folio. London, 1864. 65 plates.
Madden, Sir Fred. Universal Palæography. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1850.
Marchal, J. Cat. des MSS. de la bibl. royale des dues de Bourgogne. 3 vols. 4to. Brussels, 1842.
Middleton, J.H. Illuminated MSS. in Classical and Mediæval Times: their Art and their Technique. Large 8vo. Cambridge University Press, 1892.
Milanesi, G. Documenti per la Storia dell' arte Senese, etc. 8vo. Siena, 1854-56.
Molinier, A. Les MSS. et les Miniatures. 12mo. Paris, 1892. Woodcuts.
Monte Cassino. Paleografia artistica. Monte Cassino, 1877. Folio. Facsimiles in gold and colours, etc., from Gothic and Lombardic MSS.
Montfaucon. Palæographia Græca. Small folio. Parisiis, 1708.
Mugnier, Fr. Les MSS. à miniatures de la Maison de Savoie, etc. 8vo. Moutiers-Tarantaise, 1894. 17 phototypes.
Ottley, W.Y. History of Engraving. 4to. London, 1816.
Peignot, Gabr. Essai sur l'histoire du parchemin et du vélin. 8vo. Paris, 1812.
Pinchart, A. Miniaturistes, Enlumineurs, et Calligraphes Employés par Philippe le Bon, etc. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1865.
Publications of the Palæographical Society of London. Folio. Vol. vii., etc. Very useful.
Quaritch, B. Examples of the Art of Book-illumination during the Middle Ages. 4to. London, 1899. Fine facsimiles in gold and colours.
Raczynski, A. (Cte.). Les arts en Portugal. 8vo. Paris, 1846.
Rahn, J.R. Das Psalterium Aureum v. Sanct Gallen. Folio. St. Gallen, 1878. u chromolithogr. in colours and gold. 7 lithogr. and many woodcuts. (A capital account of Carolingian and Irish MSS.)
Sacken, Ed. Frh. von. Die Ambraser Sammlung. 8vo. Wien, 1855.
Sakcinski, J.K. Leben des Giulio Clovio. 8vo. Agram, 1852.
Sakcinski, J.K. Slovnik umjetnah Jugoslavenskih. (Biographical Dict. of South Slavonic Artists.) 8vo. Uzagreba, 1858.
Sanftl, K. Dissertatio in aureum ac pervetustum SS. Evangelior. Codicem MS. Monast. S. Emmerani. 410. Ratisbonæ, 1786. Gives a large folding plate of the Gospel-book cover, and facsimiles of illumination and writing.
Schönemann. 100 Merkwürdigkeiten des Herzoglichen Biblioth. zu Wolfenbüttel. 8vo. Hannover, 1849.
Schultz, A. Deutsches Leben in 14ten und 15ten Jahrh. 2 vols. Large 8vo. Wien, 1892. (Contains many facsimiles in gold and colours, from German and Bohemian MSS.)
Serapeum, Zeitschrift für Bibliothekens Wissenschaft. 8vo. Leipzig. Vol. vii.
Seroux D'Agincourt, J. Historie de l'Art par les Monuments. Folio. 3 vols. Paris, 1823. London, 1847. Engravings.
Shaw, H. The Art of Illuminating as Practised in the Middle Ages. Second edition. 4to. London, 1845. Plates.
Shaw, H. Alphabets, Numerals, and Devices of the Middle Ages. Folio. London, W. Pickering, 1845. Many plates, some in gold and colours.
Silvestre, J.B. Paléographie universelle. 4 vols. Folio. Paris, 1841. 600 plates. (Plates very good.)
Smet, J.J. de. Quelques recherches sur nos anciens enlumineurs, etc. In Bulletin de l'Academie de Belgique, t. xiv., pt. 2, p. 78, and Bullet. du Bibliophile Belge, t. iii., p. 376, t. iv., p. 176.
Stokes, M. Early Christian Art in Ireland. 12mo. London, 1887. Woodcuts. (Victoria and Albert M. Handbook.)
Swarzenski, G. Die Regensburger Buchmalerei des X. und XI. Jahrhunderts. Large 8vo. Leipzig, 1901. 35 phototypes.
Tambroni, G. Cennino Cennini: Trattato della Pittura. 8vo. Roma, 1821. Later edition (Milanesi), Firenze, 1859. (Contains many practical directions and recipes.)
Thompson, Sir Edward M. English Illuminated MSS. In Bibliographica, vol. i. pp. 129, 385, etc. Large 8vo. London, 1895.
Venturi, Ad. La miniatura ferrarese nel secolo XV., etc. Folio. Roma, 1899. 4 chromolithographs and 7 phototypes. In Le Gallerie Nazionale Italiane. Vol. iv., 187.
Viel-Castel, Cte. Horace de. Statuts de l'Ordre du Saint-Esprit, etc. MS. du 14e Siècle avec une notice sur la peinture des MSS. Large folio. Paris, 1853. 17 very fine facsimiles in gold and colours.
Vogelsang, W. Holländische Miniaturen des späteren Mittelalters. Large 8vo. Strassburg, 1899. Many phototype facsimiles.
Wailly, J.N. de. Élémens de Paléographie. 2 thick vols. 4to. Paris, 1838. Many plates of writing, seals, etc.
Wallther, J.L. Lexicon diplomaticum. Folio. 1751. Many examples of writings.
Waagen, G.F. On the Importance of MSS. with Miniatures in the History of Art. 8vo. Philobiblon Society. Vol. i. London, 1854.
Waagen, G.F. Die Vornehmsten Künstler in Wien. 8vo. Wien, 1866. (MSS. in Imperial Library, etc., in Vienna.)
Warner, G.F. Miniatures and Borders from the Hours of Bona Sforza, Duchess of Milan. Small 4to. London, 1894. 65 sepia facsimiles.
Warner, G.F. Illuminated MSS. in the British Museum. 4to. London, 1899, etc. Many coloured facsimiles.
Wattenbach, W. Das Schriftwesen im Mittelalter. 8vo. Leipzig, 1871.
Westwood, J.O. Palæographia Sacra Pictoria. 4to. London, 1845. 50 facsimile plates, mostly in colours and gold.
Westwood, J.O. Miniatures and Ornaments of Anglo-Saxon and Irish MSS. Folio. Oxford, 1868. Many fine facsimiles in colours.
Wyatt, M.D., and Tymms. The Art of Illuminating. Large 8vo. London, 1860. Many facsimiles in gold and colours.