No. Name. Where Produced. Where Kept. Date. Remarks. 1 Vergil (fragment) ...... Vatican Lib., Rome, Cod. Vat. 3225 3rd or 4th cent. Doubtful which is the older. 2 Vergil ...... Vat. Lib. 3867 4th cent. 3 Rom. Calend.(f.) ...... Imp. Lib., Vienna „ 4 Genesis (f.) ...... „ 5th cent. Gold and silver text on purple vellum; 88 miniatures. 5 Genesis (f.) ...... Brit. Mus., Cott. Oth. B. 6 „ Much burnt in 1731. 6 Iliad (f.) ...... Ambros. Lib., Milan „ Fine handwriting and clever pictures. 7 Joshua (f. of Roll) ...... Vat. Lib., Rome ...... 15 leaves, 32 ft. long, 11 in. wide. Contains from ch. 222 to 1018, brush outlines to miniatures. Rivers, etc., personified in Byzantine manner. 8 Dioscorides, etc. ...... Imp. Lib., Vienna c. 500-5 Personifications of abstract qualities. 9 Bible of Montamiata ...... Laurent. Lib., Florence c. 540 Valuable as a theological document, but poor work, and in bad condition. 10 Syriac Gospels Monastery of Zagfba, in Mesopotamia „ c. 586 Brought to Florence in 1497. Remarkable Crucifixion, see Byzantine, 1. 11 Terence ...... Nat. Lib., Paris 9th cent. Copy of a 5th-cent. MS. pen-drawings. 12 Pentateuch Tours Nat. Lib., Paris, Nouv. acq. 2334 7th cent. Called the Ashburnham Pentateuch; 19 large miniatures.