No. Name. Where Produced. Where Kept. Date. Remarks. 1 De arte venandi cum avibus Palermo Vat. Lib., Rome, palat. 1071 c. 1225 Composed by Emperor Frederick II. (1212-50). Paintings of birds and hunting scenes. 2 Offices, “ordo offic. Senensis” Gubbio Acad. Lib., Siena ...... Attributed to Oderigi. 3 Legends Florence? Canon. Lib., c. 1327-43 Attributed to Giotto. 4 Vergil „ Rome Ambros. Lib., Milan c. 1310 Attributed to Simone Martini. 5 Durandus Siena? Brit. Mus., Add. 31032 c. 1330 Fine work. 6 Aristotle Bologna? Brit. Mus., Harl. 6331 c. 1335 Like the “Avignon” Decretals. 7 Stefaneschi Missal Rome? Canon. Lib., Rome 1327-43 In same vol. with 3, and attributed to Giotto. 8 Poems of Convenevole da Prato[66] Naples? Brit. Mus., Roy. 6 E. 9 1309-43 Bold “gouache” painting. Executed for King Robert of Naples. 9 Breviarium Romanum Florence? Brit. Mus., Harl. 2903 c. 1400 Fine initials. 10 Concordantiæ Canonicæ Bologna? Nat. Mus., Naples c. 1350 Allegorical figures and “gouache” painting. 11 Statuts de l'Ordre do St. Esprit Naples Nat. Lib., Paris, fds. fr. 4274 c. 1354 Executed for Louis I., of House of Anjou, King of Sicily and Jerusalem. 12 Romance of Meliadus Avignon? Brit. Mus., Add. 12228 c. 1355 Executed for Louis II. of Naples. 13 Triumphs of Fr. Petrarch ...... Brit. Mus., Harl. 3109 c. 1370 Small miniatures and initials in older style. 14 „ ...... Nat. Lib., Paris ...... Miniatures of triumphs. 15 Joannes Andreae, Lib. VI. Decretalium ...... Abp. of St. Florian c. 1370 Fine Bolognese miniatures. 16 Glossa Joannis Andreae in Clementinas Bologna? Laon, No. 382 c. 1330-43 Very finely illuminated. 17 Rubrics on the Decretals „ Laon, No. 357 1332 Many grotesque figures. 18 Decretum Gratiani „ Brit. Mus., Add. 15274, 15275 c. 1375 Exquisitely illuminated. 19 Missale Romanum „ Roy. Lib., Munich, Lat. 10072 c. 1374 By Nicolaus de Bononia. 20 „ „ St. Mark's, Venice, cl. iii. xcvii. c. 1370 „ 21 „ Florence? Brit. Mus., Add. 21973 c. 1380-1400 Fine pen work diapers and initials. 22 Latin Bible Bologna? Brit. Mus., Add. 18720 c. 1375-1400 Sweet colouring and fine foliages. 23 Hymnarium Heremitarum Sienese? Brit. Mus., Add. 30014 c. 1400 Fine initials. 24 Questions on 4 Books of Sentences by Job. Scot, Franciscan Naples Brit. Mus., Add. 15270-3 c. 1458-94 Written by Hippolytus Lunensis for Ferdinand I., King of Naples, and finely illuminated. 25 Platonis Opera „ Brit. Mus., Harl. 3481 c. 1470 Written for Ferdinand I., King of Naples. Finely illuminated. 26 Cæsar   Brit. Mus., Add. 16982 1462 White stem-work. 27 „ Rome? Brit. Mus., Harl. 2683 c. 1460 Executed for Pius II. Roman Renaissance (1458-64). 28 Petrarch Sonnets, etc. ...... Brit. Mus., Harl. 3411 c. 1465 White stem-work. Written by J. And. Mussolini. 29 Offices Milan? Brit. Mus., Add. 19417 c. 1475 A pretty little volume of Milanese work. 30 Missale Romanum ...... Brit. Mus., Add. 15260 „ Like MSS. executed for the Dukes of Ferrara. Very fine. 31 „ ...... Brit. Mus., Harl. 2875 c. 1480 Of Florentine type. 32 Officium B.M.V. Florence Brit. Mus., Add. 15528 c. 1475 A small volume, but rich initials. 33 Missale Romanum Bologna Brit. Mus., Add. 15814 c. 1495 Like 32, but finer. Written by Jo. de Lyvonia for one of the Visconti. 34 Josephus Rome Brit. Mus., Harl. 3699 c. 1490 Roman Renaissance. 35 Herodean Florence Brit. Mus., Add. 23773 1487 Written by Alexander Verazzanus. 36 Scrapbook of cutting's Rome and Florence Brit. Mus., Add. 21412 1480-1500 A very interesting collection. Roman and Florentine. 37 Grant of Ludovico Sforza (il Moro) Milan Brit. Mus., Add. 21413 1494 Illuminated by Antonio da Monza. 38 Offices Naples Brit. Mus., Add. 21591 1500 Written and illuminated for Frederick of Aragon, King of Naples. 39 Prayer-book of Alfonso I. „ Brit. Mus., Add. 28962 c. 1455 Finest Neapolitan work. Portraits (1416-58). 40 Orations of Cicero „ Imp. Lib., Vienna c. 1490 Executed for Ferdinand I., King of Naples (1458-94). Very fine.