No. Name. Where Produced. Where Kept. Date. Remarks. 1 King Edgar's Charter Hyde Abbey, Winchester Brit. Mus., Cott. Vesp. A. 8 966 Style of the Benedictionals of Æthelwold and Robert. 2 Breviarium Cassinense Monte Cassino? Mazarine Lib., Paris, 759 ...... Tendency to same style colouring as in school of Metz. 3 Æthelwold's Benedictional Hyde Abbey, Winchester Lib. of Duke of Devonshire c. 970 Best example known. 4 Benedictional of Abp. Robert „ Pub. Lib., Rouen c. 980 Drawing bold, but colouring unequal to 3. 5 Gospels ...... Trin. Coll., Camb c. 900 Borders like Winchester work. 6 Psalter ...... Brit. Mus., Harl. 2904 ...... Fol. frames similar. 7 „ ...... Brit. Mus., Tib. C. 7 c. 1000 Init. D on f. 115. 8 „ Winchester Brit. Mus., Arund. 60 „   9 „ „ Brit. Mus., Arund. 155 „   10 Cnut's Gospels „ Brit. Mus., Roy. 1 D. 9 c. 1017 Fine example. 11 Leofric Missal ...... Bodl. Lib., Oxford No. 579 10th cent. Byzantine influence.