[1] The full meaning of this sentence, and of that which closes the paragraph, can only be understood by reference to my more developed statements on the subject of Education in "Modern Painters" and in "Time and Tide." The following fourth paragraph is the most pregnant summary of my political and social principles I have ever been able to give.
[2] "τἑχναι ἑπἱρρητοι," compare page 81.
"τέχναι ἐπίρρητοι," ****************************************************************
[3] There were, in fact, a great many more girls than University men at the lectures.
[4] Only the Gospels, "IV Evangelia," according to St. Jerome.
[5] This concentrated definition of monastic life is of course to be understood only of its more enthusiastic forms.
[6] Standard Series, No. 9.
[7] The meaning of the "Knight and Death," even in this respect, has lately been questioned on good grounds.
[8] I have expunged a sentence insisting farther on this point, having come to reverence more, as I grew older, every simple means of stimulating all religious belief and affection. It is the lower and realistic world which is fullest of false beliefs and vain loves.
[9] I am again doubtful, here. The most important part of the chapter is from § 60 to end.
[10] Virg., Æn., iii. 209 seqq.
[11] Osborne Gordon.
[12] See "Ariadne Florentina," § 5.
[13] See Note in the Catalogue on No. 201.
[14] There is noble chiaroscuro in the variations of their colour, but not as representative of solid form.
[15] Every day these bitter words become more sorrowfully true (September, 1887).